The reality, of course, is that ACLU and other public interest lawyers who have pursued this litigation operate on the most meager of shoestrings, from storefront offices, and are paid barely living salaries, as President Bush probably knows perfectly well. (Although it's always dangerous to assume he knows anything at all).
It is absolutely amazing that our so-called media have next to no interest in finding out what happened, and are either so mendacious, or so stupid, that they can't grasp that without the ability to bring lawsuits against telecoms who (apparently admittedly, per Dick Cheney) violated FISA and other Federal laws, the American people will never know the scope of this administration's now quite patently obvious felonious conduct.
I'm still shaking my head, but nothing changes.
See Greenwald today:
The telecom lawsuits are the last hope for finding any of this out. They're the last hope for ever having this still-secret behavior subjected to the rule of law and enabling the American people to learn about what their Government did for years in illegally spying on them. That's why -- the only real reason -- the White House is so desperate for telecom amnesty. That's what George Bush means when he says that amnesty is urgent "because the litigation process could lead to the disclosure of information about how we conduct surveillance." In a functioning democracy, when high political officials break the law, such behavior is actually supposed to be "disclosed," not concealed.