30 July 2024

Crypto is just a huge scam on society

"Bitcoin has no practical use other than criminal activity and money laundering." 
-- David Cay Johnston 

I have always thought this, but people have tried to explain to me why there are some reasons to think otherwise. I remain unconvinced. 

28 July 2024

Authoritarianism is ANTITHETICAL to democracy, folks

One of the things that troubles me most about the large percentage of Americans who seemingly embrace Trump's anti-democratic authoritarianism is precisely that. A majority of these people, when asked, clearly don't believe in fair elections. To them, elections are fair if they win (even by cheating), and unfair if they don't. This is just not how it works and somehow we have to get past this very dangerous time in American history and get back to the principle of one-person-one-vote, trust in election administration (which historically, at least since the 20th century, has been very good overall), and belief that who wins should govern, even if you disagree with them. The tribalism and willingness to resort to violence is like a fatal cancer: we either excise it and survive or democracy dies. Which will it be? 

Lichtman predicts Harris win.

There's nothing magical or mystical about it, and the model, while rational and successful going back decades (including when applied retroactively through at least most of the 20th century), is not strictly speaking scientific. Nonetheless, I take some considerable encouragement from the following:

Allan Lichtman, the presidential election prognosticator who has successfully predicted the last nine out of 10 White House races, has made his preliminary projection for the November contest: Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to win, he said Friday.

Considering the shitshow the election had become prior to Biden's announcement a week ago today, this is truly good news. When he predicted the Trump win in 2016, people pooh-poohed his whole model, but it was right then. Let's hope it's right now. 

Democracy itself must be the highest priority

Some of my progressive friends tend to focus on the usual progressive agenda items politically, but I focus more on process, because, quite simply, if we don't have a democracy, we can forget about particular policy goals. So I place electoral college reform and Supreme Court reform (both of which could be effectively, if not ideally, accomplished through legislation, not requiring a constitutional amendment)... at the top of the agenda. Voting rights and ending gerrymandering and the effects of Citizens United ...right up there. Climate mitigation, reproductive rights, separation of church and state, and all the other issues that make up a progressive worldview: absolutely. But fixing the system itself is Job One. 

I think Trump's recent statement that they intend to "fix" elections so his supporters "won't need to vote anymore" pretty much says it all in support of my priorities here. 

27 July 2024

Orange One's Personality Disorder and Dementia (Fromm and the DSM-5 hallmarks)

I think this is worth reading in detail. It's ChatGPT's answer to my question about Erich Fromm's original classification of "malignant narcissism," which he characterized as "the essence of evil." Read this over, and tell me if you don't think every single one of these hallmarks of malignant narcissism don't apply to Trump. 

Erich Fromm's concept of "malignant narcissism," as you noted, combines traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopathy), among other features. To better understand how these clinical definitions compare to Fromm's conclusions, here are the diagnostic criteria for each disorder according to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition):

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

The DSM-5 criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder include:

  1. Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from others.
  2. Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
  3. A belief that one is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions.
  4. A need for excessive admiration.
  5. A sense of entitlement.
  6. Interpersonally exploitative behavior.
  7. Lack of empathy.
  8. Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them.
  9. Demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes.

Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopathy)

The DSM-5 criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder include:

  1. A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
    • Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors.
    • Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.
    • Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.
    • Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.
    • Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others.
    • Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations.
    • Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.
  2. The individual is at least age 18 years.
  3. There is evidence of Conduct Disorder with onset before age 15 years.
  4. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Fromm's View on Malignant Narcissism as the "Essence of Evil"

Fromm's analysis of malignant narcissism extended beyond clinical descriptions to a philosophical and ethical dimension. He considered this condition to be particularly dangerous because it combines the self-absorption and entitlement of narcissism with the amorality and manipulativeness of sociopathy, adding a layer of aggression and paranoia. Fromm believed that this blend leads to behaviors that not only harm individuals but can also severely disrupt and damage societies.

Fromm argued that malignant narcissism's disregard for the common good and the rights of others, coupled with aggressive tendencies and a lack of conscience, embodies what many would describe as "evil." His conclusion was based on the observation that such individuals are capable of committing acts that have not only personal but also widespread social consequences, including fostering totalitarianism, perpetuating extreme prejudice, and committing mass atrocities.

In summary, Fromm's concept of malignant narcissism as the "essence of evil" stems from its potential to cause significant harm, both on interpersonal and societal levels, due to the unique and intense combination of traits from several personality disorders, particularly those associated with destructive behaviors and attitudes. 

We've now removed the false equivalency of Biden's relatively mild and benign age-related cognitive impairment and Trump's severe and extremely dangerous personality disorder (combined with evidence of incipient vascular or possibly Alzheimer's type dementia). What this megalomaniac plans to do to our country is bad enough, but, politics and ideology aside, the risk of having someone like this in charge of the vast (and, thanks to the Supreme Court, now vaster than ever) power should be very, very alarming to anyone who gives the matter even a modicum of serious and intelligent consideration. 

The only bright spot is that the personality disorder and mild dementia is making him act against his own interests frequently, and is also becoming so obvious, and so unattractive, that more and more people are having the "Oh, man, I just can't vote for this guy!" epiphany. 

Trump tells White Christian nationalists they only have to vote this one time, then it'll be "fixed."

When authoritarians tell you what they are going to do to take power and undermine democracy, believe them.  
How, you may ask, will they "fix" it? Simple, there won't be any more elections once the dictator takes power. The Supreme Court has seen to it that if a dictator holds executive power, there is nothing to stop him from establishing a totalitarian state. Their immunity decision is that consequential: it essentially removes any mechanism for stopping a would-be dictator. 

Vote for Kamala Harris, quite literally our one last chance to save democracy. 

26 July 2024

Supreme Court Reform

In my view, the so called "Immunity Decision," Trump v. United States (how appropriate) is unworkable. The Supreme Court has completely lost all legitimacy. I want our new president, Kamala Harris, to endorse radical Supreme Court reform. And the easiest (constitutionally) way to do it is to increase the Supreme Court to 13. Or 15. There are other good reasons to increase the size of the court, possibly even have some decisions ruled on by panels. And then the new justices should aggressively reverse the horrible, antidemocratic decisions like this one, Citizens United, and quite a few others. Dobbs, which is the first time a basic right has been taken away. I cannot abide the mealy mouthed reasoning of those who oppose this, because, almost as much as the threat of Trump dictatorship, this is a basic threat to our democracy. 

Giving as good as she gets

Love the way Kamala responded to Trump's deliberate mispronunciation of her name by calling him Don-old. It's subtle, so it's not like kindergarten taunting, but it shows she's not taking his shit. 

I'm really happy to call her our champion for democracy. 

25 July 2024

Who's too old to run for president?

I think in the future, Biden's actually quite tardy realization that he is simply too old and (quite normally) infirm to run for re-election as president, will be regarded as self-evident. Those who said he should never have decided to run in 24 in the first place will be thought to have been rather obviously right. Of course, since the Orange Menace, in addition to his utterly disqualifying behavior and lack of relevant skills or integrity, will be older than Biden is now well before the end of a term if, heaven forfend, he wins election, it should be pretty obvious that it is he, not the Democratic candidate, who is too old to run for president. This fact is sitting there and will not go away, and it may, just may, be what defeats him. Trump's unquestionable and severe narcissistic personality disorder and incipient dementia will obviously not help him either, but even if you somehow give him a pass on all his profoundly stupid and terrifying policy positions, you have to recognize that this horrible man, based merely on his mental health and cognitive impairment, not to mention poor physical health, has no business being a candidate for any responsible office, much less the presidency.  

23 July 2024

Republican dumbnitude

If these stupid Republicans think trying to cook up legal obstacles to Harris's assuming the mantle and running against their would-be dictator in all 50 states will inure to their benefit with the electorate, they are being even stupider than usual. 

RFK Jr shows his true colors?

According to Heather Cox Richardson's substack, there is a "leak" to the effect that RFK Jr is "in talks" with Trump's cadre to drop out and endorse Trump, in exchange for some kind of position in the Trump administration. Now, doesn't that just about tell it all about this utter nutjob, who has, tragically, just about ruined his family's legacy and political imprimatur for all time with his insane conspiracy theories and anti-vax lunacy?

 Thank you, Joe Biden, for your service. 
On to victory, KAMALA HARRIS
Our Champion for Democracy

Offsetting Musk's evil influence

As a Tesla owner (we actually have two now), I feel an extra responsibility to donate to and work for our Champion for Democracy, Kamala Harris, and other Democrats up and down the ticket, especially in swing states, in order to offset the evil asshole Elon Musk's promise to contribute $45 million to help Fascism win in our country. There are all kinds of horrible ironies here, but I can only do the most I can to help ensure we save Democracy, and that's what I intend to do. 

 Thank you, Joe Biden, for your service. 
On to victory, KAMALA HARRIS
Our Champion for Democracy

22 July 2024

Time to unify behind Harris's candidacy

I get the desire to have an "open convention," etc., but the need for our party to unify and concentrate on defeating fascism is so vital that I want to see former president Obama and all other prominent Democrats endorsing Harris immediately. There were quite a few yesterday, but they need to do what the Republicans used to be famous for: falling in line. After all, primary voters voted for Biden/Harris... this withdrawal is much like any other event that makes it necessary for the chosen "spare" to step in. After all, that is the only real reason (other than breaking ties in the Senate) we even have a vice president. 

 Thank you, Joe Biden, for your service. 
On to victory, KAMALA HARRIS
Our Champion for Democracy

21 July 2024

Democratic Unity to SAVE DEMOCRACY

As you can see from my new signature panel, I am abandoning "polite nonpartisanship." Patriotism is supporting democracy. Fascism is treason. Supporting Donald Trump is unacceptable. If this offends you, tough. You can block me or delete my e-mails. 

 Thank you, Joe Biden, for your service. 
On to victory, KAMALA HARRIS
Our Champion for Democracy

On to victory!

I think Joe Biden was a much better president than most of us thought he would be. And his sacrifice of his own personal interest in the interests of our country is literally heroic. I have just signed up to contribute $100/mo. to the HARRIS campaign from now till the election and will personally do everything I reasonably can to help ensure that she wins in November, and brings a Democratic House and Senate along with her. Thank you, Joe Biden, for your service and integrity. Now, on to victory! We will defeat Fascism and begin the reaffirmation and restoration of democracy in our nation! 

08 July 2024

Defeat in this election is UNTHINKABLE

We have a crisis of leadership in America, but the global trend towards authoritarianism is not a "done deal." Far from it. The center left won a landslide in Britain, and less than a week later, also won a solid victory in France. We must take this as an affirmation, and strive mightily for victory for democracy here. I have come to believe that the best path forward... would have to be immediately ... is for Biden to acknowledge that he has lost confidence and needs to step aside, become the elder statesman, and let the convention choose someone else to carry this torch to victory in November. But even if he doesn't do that, we absolutely cannot allow the forces of the far right, which to a great extent are using Trump as a tool for their fascist agenda, to succeed. Never give up. Fight like our democracy depends on it, because it does, period.

07 July 2024

Tesla set to be a bigger energy co. thru battery storage than it is a car company: comments

See Electric Viking's video apropos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf7LxMp9e3k

I celebrate the technology, but I have to say under the laws we supposedly enforce, Tesla being third in American auto mfg., and being a huge player in power grid technology is pretty well along into illegal monopolistic practices. Whether there is any political will to do anything about that is highly dubious. It seems politicians of whatever stripe have no problem with monopolies, or at least oligopolies, as long as they keep the money flowing inside USA. 

What is even more interesting though is the extent to which worldwide energy system technology is becoming heavily dependent on (if not dominated by) China. (Tesla is almost as much a Chinese company as it is an American company). With the MAGA fascists promising trade war with China, seems to me Xi Jin Ping would want Chinese influence to favor the Democrats. Contrary to conventional wisdom. But Democrats have a huge advantage: they are more or less guided by reality, not paranoid delusions. I believe whatever else they may be, those who lead China are pretty clear eyed about geopolitics and how the world economy works. That may not always be said of their American counterparts. They have bet heavily on technological development, and it is paying off for them. Whether we are going to be able to do likewise in the coming decades is very much open to question.