¡El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!
«The people united will never be defeated!»
A personal commentary • »If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.« --Spinoza
December 16, 2016 |
Hon. Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon
State Capitol Building
900 Court Street NE, 160
Salem, OR 97301
Hon. Jerry Brown, Governor of California
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Hon. Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002
Hon. Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New Yor
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Dear Messrs. and Madam Governors:
I am writing to strongly urge you to support efforts in your states to further the ideas recently promoted by the leading progressive thinker Thomas Geoghegan to improve the essential democracy of our nation, wherein your states are crucial:
1. That your state refuse to cooperate with the undemocratic Electoral College, by returning presidential ballots blank or not returning them at all. This will force the Congress to use procedures to obtain the votes, and will register for the notice of the public that your state's people object to being disenfranchised by this undemocratic system. (In the case of Oregon, it is also necessary to pass as soon as possible the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which when it is triggered into full effect at 270 votes will effectively end the injustice of the Electoral College.
2. That your state enact as soon as feasible Australia-style mandatory voting (coupled with Oregon-style vote by mail). If this law were in effect in this recent election, nearly 6 million votes would separate the majority vote for Clinton from the non-democratically designated winner. Such a wide margin of popular electoral preference being disenfranchised would make it virtually impossible for the nation not to reform its electoral process in the near future.
Please consider these recommendations carefully. I trust that as patriotic leaders who believe in essential democracy, you will realize the wisdom of supporting them.
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
David Studhalter
Trump is LYING. As usual. Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 2½ million votes. This can NEVER, EVER happen again. The National Popular Vote initiative must be a TOP PRIORITY.
The late count of the popular vote for Clinton over Trump is now very close to 1.5 million votes, far more than the margin of victory in several modern presidential elections. OK, then. This has to be said.THIS CALLS INTO QUESTION THE LEGITIMACY OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM. It may be "the system," but legitimacy of republican (small-r) government derives, according to "inalienable" principles our founders clearly believed in, from THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. Donald Trump does not have the consent of the governed. Not even close.I will say it. The presidency of Donald Trump is not legitimate. (As was not, in my view, the first term of George W. Bush's). If he governs with anything like recognition of the issue of the fact that more than half the voters chose his opponent, we can limp through this Constitutional anomaly. But if, as it appears he will, he intends to continue the radical upending of governing norms commenced by his party during the Clinton administration of the 90s,and essentially be a plutocratic autarch, then he MUST BE RESISTED, through civil disobedience and whatever procedural means are available to those of us who stand opposed to autocratic, anti-democratic governance.
Bernie Sanders: Where the Democrats Go From Here http://nyti.ms/2epRZVl
November 12, 2016
I really try not to hate Trump. He is damaged. But if he becomes president, it's just possible that the catastrophe will snowball from there. No mobilization on climate change. No movement towards global cooperation. No movement towards economic equity. More violence. Rinse. Repeat. Collapse of the economy and environment. Ultimately human extinction due to global climate catastrophe left unchecked till it's too late.
The possibility that Nov. 8, 2016 is a turning point, where the world chooses whether to live or die, is actually not all that unlikely.
> * She asked if the "Great Attractor was what it sounded like" and was it in the picture I included in my post.
> "The Great Attractor is one such structure, a diffuse concentration of matter some 400 million light-years in size located around 250 million light-years (ly) away in the direction of the southern Constellation Centaurus, about seven degrees off the plane of the Milky Way." [SolStation]
> *To which she replied:
> so it's an actual planet? or it's postulated?
> that's so massy that it attracts, gravitationally, all the mass in the galaxies around it?
> I feel as if all this you say is like 'talking around what you want to say', instead of saying it.
> Is this you? or is this all the scientific writers?
> So when you say attractor, you mean gravitationally? Or just that everything seems to moving in that direction, but it's not known why?
> Define your terms please.
A personal commentary • »If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.« --Spinoza