I find the whole Republican shitfit about Benghazi! totally
incomprehensible. Of course, the incident on 9/11/2012 was a bit of a
fuckup and was certainly tragic for those killed. But come on! In the
scheme of things? Seriously? Like compared to 10 years of unnecessary
and fraudulently induced war in Iraq? Say?
to mention that ginning up a scandal where there isn't one actually
cost this same party gains in midterms that normally go their way at the
2-years to go-mark of a Democratic presidency back in '98. You know
when Barney Frank got to say (as Rachel Maddow reminded us) to Ken
Starr...(in effect)... "OK, nothing on Foster, nothing on Beefgate,
nothing on Whitewater, nowhere to go with the sex scandal. Be nice if
you'd told us that a year and a half ago."
what are these fools thinking? I dunno, and truly, I don't really care
because I don't believe this will make one whit of difference, and to
the extent it does it will cost them votes. Which isn't to say that the structural predicament we Democrats are in this year isn't a major bummer, because it is.
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