Watch this, if you please.
Biden is clearly not as articulate as he once was, but he shows every sign of having entered the phase of life you might call "the sage." He is reflective, coherent, and giving it out straight. And what he says contains some real insight.
His critical insight: if Trump loses, there will be trouble and possibly even violence, but that if he wins, we will be heading down a path that will change the course of history for decades, much for the worse. The likely consequences are not all unimaginable, but they are truly horrific, and the unknown consequences could be literally apocalyptic.
This may seem like a fairly commonplace observation, but for a president to say this, clearly and without ambiguity, is unprecedented. There has never been a presidential candidate with a good chance of winning who, to all available evidence, appears poised to literally demolish the institutions of representative democracy in our country. It is a crucial fight, almost on the level of a second Civil War. And unspoken but implicit: this election may be our one and only chance to prevent the dissolution of American democracy. If we avoid this catastrophe, we will at least have the potential to restore and strengthen democracy. But if Trump, or some future Trump, is allowed to destroy it to the foundations, there seems no realistic basis to assume it could ever be rebuilt. Democracy would no doubt rise again in some far off future, but the American experiment, the oldest actual republic, would have failed after just shy of 250 years. Of course, Biden didn't say all that, but I would argue it's implicit in what he says. The irony is rich that while the Trumpers wave their despoiled flags from every inappropriate place, it is Democrats, and independents who clearly see the evil in authoritarians like Trump, who are the patriots. The people who not only love America the brand but America the concept for how a free people should govern themselves. They profess love for America, but it is love for what America was founded for that distinguishes real patriotism.
I am grateful to Biden, not only for what he's done since 2020 (despite significant disagreements), but for laying the foundation for his successor. If, as we now dare to hope, democracy survives and reconstitutes itself in America, Biden will deserve a great deal of the credit for that.
Our Champions for Democracy
Thank You, Joe Biden
for doing the right thing for America
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