15 August 2024

Galvanizing for a Wave Election like no other in memory!

This is not a brag, just a point. My husband and I am comfortably retired. Not rich, but not hurting. 

I have given more money to the Harris campaign, and various congressional, senate, and local Democratic campaigns than ever before, by a factor of, like, ten. (A lot of it when it was still Biden, but even more since). 

The reason is obvious and that's not really my point. My late mother, who would be spinning in her grave if she had one at the thought of Trump being elected president (again!), used to take comfort that if she was thinking something, or aware of something in the political sphere, then others, many, many others, were likely having the same thought or receiving the same information. Or, of course, taking the same actions. So the money grassroots supporters are donating, and the volunteer work (GOTV, voter outreach, etc.) they are doing, are being replicated all around the country. I think the Democratic and pro-democracy electorate is electrified since the Harris advent... probably more than ever. Certainly it warrants comparison to JFK in 1960, Obama in 2008. Maybe even exceeds both of them. Trump is the goad, but people are responding because they care about democracy and feel, correctly, that it is under threat as never before. At least since the Civil War. It looks like all it really took was a clearly viable candidate. 

I thought Biden should've decided not to run again. Probably should've announced in 2020 that he would serve only one term. And that's probably right, but, actually, the way things have turned out, apart from the three weeks of extreme political depression from the time it became clear he wasn't up to the campaign (not the presidency, the campaign) and the time he, unlike almost all other politicians, put his country first and did the right thing, has been stunning. The people are galvanized. They are passionate. About democracy. In ways that only palpable fear of the outcome if we lost can motivate. And that, friends, is a good thing. A very, very good thing. 

Onwards to victory, friends. It's up to us. Will we blow them away? Take back the House? Reinforce the Senate? Elect governors and state legislatures, and local governments... everywhere at record numbers? Create a huge blue wave transforming the politics of our country dramatically in the direction of more, not less, democracy? We must. We must win, we must take back our democracy and lay the foundation for the greatest reconstruction since, well, since Reconstruction. 


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