02 September 2024

Arlington event

I'm guessing most of my far-flung correspondents are sick of hearing about Trump's utterly disrespectfully commandeering of Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery for an incredibly tone deaf, offensive, and patently illegal campaign event. But while mostly symbolic, I think this is actually a pretty big deal, as it combines many of the very reasons Trump is so obviously the most unqualified person ever to stand for election to the presidency in a serious way. It's arrogant, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, utterly disrespectful of the service of the fallen and the grief of their loved ones, etc. But it was the altercation, the hint of Jan. 6 style violence and contempt for law, that is most concerning, in my view. There must be video somewhere. The DOJ or FBI should (if they haven't already) subpena the materials, identify who shoved the Arlington employee (assuming, as I do, that this did happen). And that person should be charged with assaulting a federal employee in the course of their duties, and prosecuted in a high profile and exemplary fashion. Not political, but there should be a strong signal that this kind of behavior is not only disgusting, it is illegal, and there will be consequences. If possible, an effort to lodge a civil fine against the Trump campaign for violating regulations against using Arlington as a backdrop for campaign events should also be pursued. 

Our Champions for Democracy
This poster from artist Shepard Fairey shows Vice President Kamala Harris.


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