23 September 2024

Nebraska's refusal to go along with right wing scheme could actually decide the election

It is just possible that the failure of the Fascists, led by Lindsey Graham, to get Nebraska to change its allocation of electors from the current by-district system to a winner take all system in time for the election, will mean the difference between defeat and victory for Harris. 

If she were to win all the "safe states" plus the blue wall of MI, WI, and PA, but lose NC, GA, AZ, and NV (a not-terribly unlikely possibility), she would have 269 to Trump's 269. But if Harris gets the Omaha district, it would be 270 to 268, and Harris wins.. Of course none of this has anything to do with who actually wins the popular vote (which means "wins the election" in every advanced democracy other than ours). Harris will win the popular vote; almost certainly. But it does determine who decides who will be president. If there were a tie in the Electoral College, the election would be thrown to the House, and with the extremely undemocratic (and so far never used) system the Constitution specifies, it would be decided by one-state one-vote, rather than just the vote of the House. And although the Republicans are only about 45% of the population, they have more states, so they would win. It is actually possible for Harris to win by 10 million votes or more nationwide and still lose the Electoral College. We just can't let that happen, but at least the one vote in the Omaha district remains available, and will likely go to Harris. It just could make all the difference. 

Our Champions for Democracy
This poster from artist Shepard Fairey shows Vice President Kamala Harris.

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