28 January 2025


It's incredibly exhausting just hearing a list of all the foolish, hateful, stupid, racist, short sighted, mean spirited, and destructive things the Menace and his minions are doing. It seems to be almost all bad, and almost as bad as you can imagine, short of outright Hitler style totalitarianism. Gonna be a LOONG four years. But, well, you can't be this awful and people don't notice. Many of these things are going to hurt ordinary, tuned-out people who voted for Trump because they believed his lies and were and are predisposed to a lot of the racist and exclusivist message. No excuses, but people will see what's happening. When it starts to hurt them, and he continues to spew hatred and lack of empathy even towards them and people they care about. That is how it works. If we survive with fair elections more or less intact (big if), we will see a fundamental change. Some little sliver of hope. 

Plus, he's old, sick, demented, and might die. Seriously. J.D. Vance is also really, really bad, but he's not as reactive and just plain stupid. Plus he has the charisma of a toad. So, there's that, too. 

All Goodness there is makes but one demand of us: that we love one another with all our hearts and without exception. When the People keep this commandment, all falls into place: there is peace; there is plenty; there is happiness; and wisdom ranges far and wide in the world.

—Tardig of Escondaria, 3648 CE

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