06 January 2025

Fear of unforced catastrophe in the Good ol' USA

It's extremely frustrating that what amounts to mass delusion and ignorant reflexivity have given us a narrowly elected disruptor in chief right when the US is actually enjoying one of its halcyon periods. As Heather Cox Richardson points out today, even with the wealth inequality crisis, the climate crisis, and other serious challenges, the US economy is doing the best it has in this century, we have no military involvement of US troops in any foreign war, we are energy self-sufficient, and domestic crime, violence, and even overdose deaths are all down. As we prepare to invest the mad would-be emperor this month, I fear that we are about to throw all of this away. We still have many geographic advantages and tremendous resources, but it's just so hard to watch us blowing it all for the whims of an actual no-kidding madman. 

There is widespread belief among his cult followers that we are in the midst of some kind of economic and political hellscape, but, to the extent we are failing to realize our potential, it's mostly caused by them and the far right demagogues who take advantage of them and promote massive false propaganda to influence them in order to retain power and inordinate wealth to a tiny elite that just plain doesn't support democracy. They believe we are being undermined by hordes of immigrants, when the truth is that immigration by and large makes the rest of us richer and makes our economy stronger and more efficient. But we live in a time when there is no agreed upon truth, which may indeed be our greatest failing and the greatest threat to our prosperity and perseverance. 

If you're religious, please pray for our country, and regardless may we all pull together and weather this storm, and learn from it. Assuming we get that chance, which I'm afraid is no certainty. 

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