28 January 2025

Galling beyond belief

We Democrats genuinely believe in fair elections, and have bent over backwards to show we accept the results of the 2024 election, after Trump lied his ass off about the 2020 election being "stolen." But what almost no one can bear to think, let alone say, is very probably the truth, based on careful analysis of the results: But for improperly purged likely Democratic voters and improperly challenged provisional ballots not counted, Harris would have won the election. And most likely we would have regained control of the House as well. Trump not only did not "win by a landslide," in all probability he did not legitimately win at all

Of course, we need to win elections by such huge margins that this kind of thing just can't happen, but since this may very well mean the end of democracy in our country for a long, long time, it is beyond galling to think that the election was, after all, in fact, stolen. There is literally no chance of overturning the election; we will just have to live with this outcome and hope and pray we are able to retain a functioning representative democracy long enough to ensure a different result in the future. Democracy simply cannot endure when one side lies, cheats, and steals elections, all the while accusing the other of what they have done. 

See this (Thom Hartmann YT channel)

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