I don't want to be a "fade out" at the end, but I've already contributed about ten times as much as in any previous election to help Democrats win. So I'm ignoring fundraising e mails, for the most part, at this point. I did a lot of it early, assured by the various knowitalls (said with a smile) that early money is much more effective; in the latest stages of a campaign it's already too late to make effective use of a lot of the money that comes in at the end. And Harris/Walz has tons of money. What they (and we) need is to not let up on communication, determination, GOTV, door knocking, etc. I'm not as good at that sort of thing as lots of people, but I'm doing my best. We all wish Kamala had run away with it, but MAGA... a genuine homegrown fascist movement, is strong. The race is close, although the edge is hers. But here's the thing (Kamala's catchphrase); MAGA is not getting stronger. Their candidate is noticeably deteriorating and sounds more and more like your old uncle you're worried about doing something nutty like driving the car into the pool or farting at the dinner table. And his sycophants are whiney little incels (not all of them, but this is the impression you get). We are strong. We are sensible people, of all kinds and stripes; people who believe in democracy and fairness. And our coalition includes people like Liz Cheney and Judge Luttig and Generals Milley and Kelly.... people who are not by any stretch liberal but who believe in the essential worth of the American experiment.
It is so obvious. If you believe people deserve to be told the truth, to get a fair shake, to be included in decisions of where we're going and how our money should be spent, to have the opportunity to pursue happiness and spiritual well being in your own way.... it could not be more apparent who is who and what is what in this election. The choice is more clear cut than at almost any time in American history.
Friends, we are strong and they are weak; we are winning, but have not yet won. Keep going, don't let up... have a few uncomfortable conversations. Make plain your determination to preserve American democracy, restore reproductive rights, keep respect and dignity for all people alive, and bring the ol' ship of state back on course to actually solve our problems for the future. Onward to victory! We can win this, and we will!
Our Champions for Democracy

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