27 October 2024

We must do away with the Electoral College

I've said this before, but with this election way, way too close in the electoral map analyses, I reiterate: whatever the outcome of this election, our country simply must modify its constitution* so that a few thousand low propensity voters in two or three states are not determining the outcome of every damn election!!  Every legitimate democratic country in the world, except ours, determines its elections by majority vote. It's not complicated. He or she who gets the most votes wins (whether or not after a runoff). But our system allows losers by a significant margin of the popular vote to nonetheless become president. It's happened twice already since 2000. We simply cannot allow this serious and consequential deviation from democratic principles to continue. 

* There is an alternative, which would be somewhat easier to accomplish than a constitutional amendment, that being the Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which has already passed a good number of states' legislatures and been signed into law by their governors. This is a workaround, but it would result in the popular vote winner becoming president, which is the chief goal. 

Our Champions for Democracy
This poster from artist Shepard Fairey shows Vice President Kamala Harris.

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