I was infuriated this morning listening to the 5 min. summary of news on National Republican Radio (sorry, but...)
They talked about Milton and its threat then pivoted to the aftereffects of Helene in North Carolina. But it was a story, complete with a brief largely incoherent clip of Trump's voice, about how he claims the response has been inadequate. You heard him say and in these Republican areas that have been hit very hard, nobody knows how many are missing ... I can tell you this, these people will crawl to the polls to vote if they have to. No reporting on how these claims are false, as the governor of the state, and even Republican governor and Trump supporter Brian Kemp in neighboring Georgia, have said. Nothing about the response itself. All they reported on, complete with audio, is Trump's false claims, which they then failed to even mention were false.
If we lose this election, despite an at least 10 million vote popular vote margin, it will be because of this kind of shit.
I rarely listen to NPR any more, and now I never will.
Our Champions for Democracy

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