This is my letter to my representative in the House, Janelle Bynum. I intend to send a version of it to her, and to both my Senators, every week until something changes.
Ms. Bynum: I am 71 years old and more alarmed about the future of our country than I have ever been. I believe that we... you.... must labor against all odds with the goal of bringing about the impeachment of President Trump, and his removal from office. However difficult it may be to convince those on the other side that this man, who is clearly trying to undermine the institutions of our government completely and become an actual dictator, MUST BE STOPPED, at whatever cost. NOTHING is more important; no other issues can be effectively moved forward until this crisis is dealt with.
No Republican can honestly claim that had Biden or any Democratic president unilaterally shut down an agency of the United States government, created and funded by Congress for many decades and serving the vital interests of the United States, locking out its employees without notice, that they would not have called for, and voted for, that president's expedited impeachment and removal from office as soon as humanly possible; or that many of the members of the opposite party would not have joined with them in removing such a rogue president for flagrant violation of his oath of office to "take care that the laws of the United States" be "faithfully executed." Because of course they would have. But Trump has now done exactly this. And what will the Republican dominated Congress do unless we work assiduously to convince them to change their minds? Precisely nothing.
Slowly, member by member we... you.... must strive to convince Republicans as well as Democrats that the impeachment of Trump is an existential mandate if our republic is to survive. Everything you can think of to convince them. This is actually the only thing that matters right now. It is that stark. I pray for our country but am not optimistic. PLEASE take this as seriously as a heart attack.
Thank you. [signed]
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