01 February 2025

Something funny

Wanna hear something funny? The Congress could rescind the authority of the president to impose tariffs permanently (it's an Article I power foolishly given to presidents after WWII for "emergencies"), and revoke the ones he's already done, with immediate effect. All sensible people realize they should do exactly that, and immediately. The bill could be about 500 words, take about half an hour to draft and print. We know from past real emergencies that the Congress can act in less than 24 hours if it really wanted to. It would take 2/3 of both Houses to override his presumptive veto. Why is this funny? Because imagining that the Congress would do what the country clearly desperately needs it to do, and what a large majority of the populace favors (or would if you spent 5 min. explaining it to them) is... ludicrous. This is the country we live in. Such a measure cannot even come up for a vote.  

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